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Our Elegance Garden is a stunning arrangement that will take your breath away. A perfect choice for weddings, anniversaries, or any special occasion, this bouquet features a variety of white blooms such as roses, lilies, and chrysanthemums. The delicate and sophisticated design is complemented by lush greenery and wrapped in a white satin ribbon to add an extra touch of elegance. Let this bouquet be the centerpiece of your next event and create a memorable moment that will last forever.

Elegance Garden

PriceFrom $150.00
  • Due to the nature of flowers we always strive to deliver the perfect flowers, in the event you are unhappy with the arrangement we can discuss replacement options. 

  • Please be advised that we are doing our best to fill each request. Orders may be processed using similar flowers in the same style, color and value. Not all arrangements are available for same day delivering. Procuring flowers is difficult and unpredictable.


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